Another thing though too, as an adult I've felt like "running away" more of then I did when I was a teenager. No, I'm not running away from anything, nor do I have any problems with anyone or anywhere at all. But in the senesce that I would love to start a new life somewhere else, a fresh new start where no one knows me. Just a damn new fresh start from scratch. Maybe I'm just trying to find myself my own happiness anywhere else that's not here, not where I am currently living. I am happy with my self, just not the city or state where I currently reside at all. It somehow feels wrong in many ways, I just don't know how to go about getting away from here. I for one don't have a car, but its not like I need one anyway, secondly, I don't have the money to just buy a ticket and just go. If I did though, I'd probably be gone by now with no words to anyone. I would probably if I feel crazy enough to do so, I would do it. Just packing my things and being gone. Probably Texas, or Oklahoma, probably Massachusetts or maybe Maine. Who knows. When that time comes for me to do that crazy thing, I will let you guys know where I'm headed.
A blog about places I've visited, things I enjoy such as coffee, thrifting, movies, shows and books I enjoy, with Toby's approval (fur baby *dog*) Also I talk about mental health, domestic violence, and/or sexual abuse. I just an in some way trying to raise awareness to such things and in some way remove taboo. Hope you enjoy :)
Showing posts with label #CrazyTalk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CrazyTalk. Show all posts
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Good Evening People!
How's everyone doing toning?! I am well enough, I just don't know whether I am tired, exhausted, or just not there anymore. Though today, I spent the day doing nothing, other than taking Toby out for his walks, and washing clothes and somewhat cleaning my apartment. But other than that, I did nothing at all, I just watched YouTube, and Netflix. As well as wondering if I actually want a work from home job or keep the one that I have. Though as I've told the people I work with, that a work from home job, sounds a bit too enticing. As I can spend more time with Toby my fur baby child! As well as a bit more free time I feel like to do what I need to do such as schoolwork, and more time to care for my self, not that I do not have the time to, wich I do. But working the night shift, I feel too exhausted. I do not feel like a normal person at all. I am not saying I dislike my job, because I don't, what I dislike is that I feel like I dont have a darn life whatsoever in anyway at all. Its not like I have one anyway, but I would like to feel like an actual human being with a "normal" life working normal hours, during the day. Which I don't have having to work the night shift, which I dislike. I've applied for almost any that is during the day, but apparently, I am too overqualified for their position, or they just do not want me at all. But whatever the case is, I won't stop applying for a different type of job where I can feel normal.
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