Showing posts with label #depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #depression. Show all posts

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Dear EX....I know you wont read this, but is for you...

   So...Today I was thinking of one of my ex's for some reason or another. I can't explain to you why I was doing such a thing. He was such a bad person to me, everybody kept telling me how bad he was, and how much he was hurting me, even my family and I did not want to listen. Which in a way is typical when you are with someone you "love" and you are blinded by all the bullshit they feed you. You just cant seem to see past it at all. And I was one of them people, which is not okay. I really did have strong feelings for this person, that I usually did the unthinkable for him, well not really the unthinkable but you know did such things that I cant even explain my self why I did such things. I even had fights with my mom and sister because of him. Which that is never okay. I ignored everything and everyone because of him. He was cheating on me right in front of my eyeballs and I did not want to see that. I always told my self that it was not true even though deep down inside I knew it was all true, I just didn't want to believe it. 
   He hurted in every such way, that I do not know how I was able to "survive" all that bullcrap. Even his friends were nasty to me. I was getting hurt so much because of all that to the point that I was cutting my self, and doing other things so I would not feel all that pain that I felt. I just wanted to feel numb, and forget it all it got way too bad, that few times I almost ended up in the hospital, not for cutting but for doing such things you can just only imagine what I did. Yes, I tried killing my self by over dosing on pills. Which is not okay, yes it was and it did got bad at some point, I don't even know why Im even alive now, when few times I almost did die. I was in such pain for so long I almost felt numb. There was many times I wanted to cry but the tears just didn't want to come out or I just wasn't able. I was not my self anymore because of all the hurt and bullying he did and his friends did to me. Summer came and it was all nice, I rarely saw him. I was usually with my sister and my mom. You know doing the typical teenage things such as going to bed late and waking up late, going out with my sister having fun, going to the movies and what not just typical things if that makes sense in any way to you.
   Then the school year started again. I saw him again, he pretended like nothing ever happened, I tried to do the same thing but in a way I could not do it. It hurted to see him, he tried talking to me don't give me wrong I did talk to him but not as much anymore. It went on until my sister and I changed schools. Which was good, since I didn't have to see him everyday he even called to my house to "talk" when it always ended up him telling me he still had feelings for me, and that he could not get me off his mind. Yea right! All he wanted to do all over again was hurt me, manipulated me and do such wrong things to me that I could not bear the feeling of going through the same thing all over again. He begged for me to take him back, which I ended up doing such thing. Which was such baaad idea! But at the time I didn't know what was to come for me. Him and I ended up "living" thoghether for few months, but after 4 or so months it all went down the drain. Him and I got in to such a high fight, that the neighbors called the cops because he was hurting me. He was beating me up, I had cuts on my hands bruces all over me, and I was bleeding way too. He tried putting charges on me and wanted to make me look like the bad guy. The cops, ended up taking both him and I, to jail. I was released a week later since I was found not guilty(innocent) of everything. No charges against me for that at all thank goodness for that. After that I do not know what might of happened to him. And I did not wanted to know either. 
   Months/years later we did not  speak to each other, other than him getting drink and trying to talk to me and talking all nonsense bullshit about how he apparently missed me and all that bullshit. I ended up blocking him form every social site. It got to the point that I had to delete every social account that I had so he could not talk to me or try to reach me either. It was all good until somehow he managed to get my cell number. How did he do it?? I do not know. Why did he do it?? Because apparently he wanted to talk to me again and because he wanted to have a one "last" talk with me and make amends and all that fucking bullshit! I denied talking to him, I never replied to any text messages up until he decided to call leaving me voice mails. It was bad that I had to change phone numbers. It was bad that even before I changed my number his "friends" started harassing me as well. Which was not good at all. I did not want to end up the same way as the times before. So that is why I deleted my phone number. 
   Few years later after happily not hearing and not knowing a single shit from him, I was able to have a social life again and make friends. It was a difficult time that I went through. I was and still am happy that I will always have my family with me and close to me.