Showing posts with label #ThisIsMe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ThisIsMe. Show all posts

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Day 3: My Personality & Values…

    Many people have said to me my personally comes off as strong, that I don’t seem friendly, that I look too serious, and never seem to smile at all. But you see, they never seem to notice my good days. I am a happy person, I like to see the good on every bad. I am a kind person, I am the friend that will stay by your side and lift you up when your down and make evry possible thing to make you smile when your down, I will make sure you are happy when your down. I will help you pick up the broken pieces and make sure you are your truest self when your not even half way there. I am kind, friendly person, I am a good hearted person, rough around the edges maybe. I had to learn how to be strong, and take no shit from anyone. I do not hold grudges there is no point of them, but if a person takes advantage of me in such a way, I get lied on, you get caught and you still lie on top of that, I will make sure you never hear from me again. I am the person who will desapear just like that.
    I value my friendships very much so, I am the type of friend that will stay with you till the end. You fall I will make sure I laugh at you and with you while I help you up. Maybe even perhaps we both may end up in jail for some dumb thing we did. But I will make sure you know I am by your side no matter what, trough the good, the bad and the ugly. I will love my pet more that I love my self and anyone else. As my dog has been the one who’s proven his truest loyalty and love to me without question. His love to me is the purest kind, so innocent he loves and accepts me with no judgment. That is what I value so much from my dog. My dog to me is perfectly imperfect to me and I love him dearly so, and that is never going to change. What I value most from anyone is one who will love me for who I am, with or without flaws, will accept me for who I truly am without any judgment. 
    I value friendships just as much as I do my family. I will see you as my sister from another mister or brother from another mother. How ever you want to take it. 



Friday, May 19, 2023

An Introduction About Me..

  I know I never really introduced myself to you guys in any way. Now it’ll be the time I do this, so you guys get to know me a little bit more and some things about me as well….


     My name is Venuz, as many of you know here. I have a four legged best friend, his name is Toby. I am a proud dog mom. I love watching movies, spending time with my dog, listening to music, reading books is another favorite thing of mine, I as well love riding my bicycle. I spend most of my time inside my apartment, unless I have to go outside such as work, doctors appointments, and Toby taking me on walks and his sniffles party and when he has to go our for his business. I rarely spend time outside unless I have to, though I have slowly but surely have started to come outside a little more often now that is spring and summer is just around the corner.
    I also started seeking mental help as I have been struggling with many things I did not know how to deal with. Such as PTSD, and other thigs I do not think I am ready to discuss at the moment. As well as I have been dealing with some type of depression which I am unsure weather I have or not, as well as many other things. I a glad I am seeking the help I need and that I have been able to stick through it for this long. I also have Type One Diabetes, I was diagnosed when I was six years old. I have a YouTube channer, where I try and upload weekly, and of course this blog where I do my best to write daily to you guys. I hope you guys enjoy what I write, and my nonsense shenanigan's that I write about. 
    I love taking to you guys I sure do, writing for me is a type of therapy. I hope that you guys give me feed back on what you would like to read more about and what I should write/review about next. Ill talk to you guys next time. take care.

With Love, 