So, last we talked I think I was complaining about my last job. I was fired because my attitude?! I really do not understand why, because I was never talked about any of this, I always was asking about my performance and such. I was always told I was doing okay such and such. Never once was I told how my attitude was wrong, or how "profanity" I was using. If I did use 'profanity' it was away from customers, or after hours when the restaurant was closed. Anyway, about two write us were given, and at the second one I was threatened to be fired if nothing changed, but how was anything going to change if no one ever talked to me about what I was doing wrong and how I was able to fix it and such. So finally, I was put on "three-day suspension pending investigation", but then I was called later that week on a Thursday, because the manager needed to talk to me. So, there I go, tells me a so and so story and finally hands me the final paycheck. He asked if I had anything to ask or comments or anything. I just go up and left and said thank you. I just walked out the door without looking back. Mind you before any of this happened, I started to fill out the unemployment thing. Yes, I shamelessly filed for unemployment without a word to anyone,

I thought have a 'job' if you want to call it like that, and that is to do UberEATS Deliveries mean time I wait for someone to call me back for interviews, for the applications I have had filled so far. Mind you it has been way too many, perhaps over 100 or so this past week or two. I have no shame, I just need a job and I am doing something to earn some money meantime, which is as I have had mentioned before doing UberEATS Deliveries, just to get me by until I hear something, at least one interview. That is all I want, an interview, perhaps even get offered the job. I even applied for the last job I had which was at a casino, I hope the manager contacts me to offer me the job, even though I will dislike going back to night shift, but I would not mind it, at this point I desperately need a damn job. I also even applied back at one of the convenience stores I used to work at before, and I hope I do honest to god that either the casino or the gas station contact me first and offer me the job. For now, though I have to be patient. I do think something is going to come up soon, I have or want to have high hopes that something will come one and someone will call me for an interview and offer me the job. I want to say positive in those regards job wise and such.
With Love,