Showing posts with label #workfromhome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #workfromhome. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Am I making the right decision? Should I go forth with it?

   I have been thinking since last we spoke to start looking for a new job. I have been looking for work from home or remote jobs since, even before I started working for Dunkin Donuts. I do not think that working fast food is for me now that I come to think about it. I’ve lasted this long because I need to pay bills, and have a doggie mouth to feed.
   I do not hate the job, I just don’t think it’s for me. Maybe it could just be I don’t feel so comfortable working with all high school kids. Yes when I was their age I was probably just like them wanting to fit in with my peers and thought it was ‘cool’ to be a snarky kid with an attitude making fun of everyone, thinking I knew better than most. 
   Other than many, many ‘complaints’ about work, I am unsure if I am the problem or I just do not fit in with their ‘work ethics’ I don’t know. I just don’t feel comfortable working there anymore, I would be comfortable work there if there wasn’t any nitpicking or favorism around, and training was longer than just a week or two and things were explained better and communication existed there. But nothing like that is there and no one communicates in anyway at all. I do not understand what kids or bosses mean now a days with communication in anyway. 

   But anyway, I have been looking for a new job, more so one that is work from home . I hope I do find one soon. As I find best to work alone/on my own rather than on a team. Though if I have to work in team wise then well, it is what it is. I just find best I work best on my own.

                    With Love, 
                                 Venuz <3