Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing well! As well as I hope you all are staying gorgeous and amazing. Today though is a different type of blog for me as you may know by the tittle. As I often tend to forget or not do it as often as I would like to. Today in some way went for “that girl” type of self-care that most of you have seen on YouTube going around now a-days They have seen very popular to want to be "that girl" and I often do not know what type of girl they all want to be. I just see it as self-care videos and suck or something a typical teen/woman would do at least once a week. Some type of self-care, right?? Whatever self-care you are doing it counts, however you do it does not matter as long as it helps you resent yourself and makes you feel happy and such. go for it.
I first started with taking my fur baby out for his walk, after browsing on my phone for a little bit. I know, I know! It is not good to be looking through my phone first thing waking up. But anyway! I made myself a cup of coffee and got ready to take my love bug out for his walk. Yea I know I look half awake! Plese don't mind my half-awake face on this picture please.
When we came back from his walk, I of-course changed in to my lazy clothes. Of course had to wash my face and teeth! You know do the whole flossing thing, mouthwash and whitening strips for the teeth. The whole shenanigans for the mouth because this girl has been a pure lazy butt rotting to death the last few weeks I've been home doing nothing after getting in to that one accident I doubt I have not talked here on the blog yet. I did though on my YouTube Channel a little bit. But anyway! lets continue1 here below is what I used to cleanse my face along with the peel-off mask that I used.

The peel off mast is the one I used and I love it! It smells so good! And I love how nice it leaves my face. That Clean & Clear face wash is quite nice as well. My face does not feel irritated or dry after. Though I did not use that moisturizer today, I do wan to say it smells really good! Very summery and refreshing! I must say. It does smell like watermelon! It makes my skin feel quite refreshed and soft. I bought it on GoPuff. I believe it was around $12.99 at the time I bought it, I just checked, and it is on sale for $9.67. The peel-off mask I bought it at Burlington last year for Christmas, I don't remember how much I paid for it, I apologize. While I waited for the face mask to do its thing and dry off, I did some journaling. Which helped me let things out that I otherwise would not talk about here, or with someone else. I believe a journal is your sacred space, where you can write down thoughts, feelings, anything else what you otherwise would not share with anyone else.

This is the face cream I ended up using after I did my whole face ritual thing right there. But wait! I did not use it right away though. I got in the shower and washed my body off, of all smelly things and even shaved legs that needed some desperate shaving! and the underarms as well! and of course, the hair, and body. As I tend to do often like anyone else, but also if I plan to get in my bathtub I like to wash my body and take a good shower and take all dirty and smelly stuff off, before I jump in the tub. Yeah I am weird! I like washing off everything off my body, specially after a rough day at work.
There face pads, my mom gave them to me, as she found them where she works at. I like these things! They are very good at helping me clean my face after I wash it off with water and soap, or just rinse off my face with water. They help every much, specially to take all dirt and oils off my face. They also have helped me with some of the blemishes on my face.
After my bath and the putting of the lotion, so my body woudl not feel so dry and such, I went for using these feet masks for the very first time! And believe me! They made my feet feel like a babies bottom like! I ever knew feet masks existed until my mom gave me these! I dont know where she got them from or where she found them but I am glad I got to try these for the very frist time! I will try to find these again and definitely use them again! Its crazy to me how many crazy things come out like these feet masks. Unless Im not that person who does self care like that them I am very oblivious in such things! I definitely enjoyed doing this very much

And now for another fun part! While I did the feet mask thing I did this face sheet mask thing! and let me tell you! it made my face feel so soft as well! After I did all that love and care for my self and such! I truly enjoyed doing so. I did not do such a big routine that would take me hours and hours like many girls/women out there. But I tryly enjoyed myself doing all of this for my self pampering and giving my self some love like this! I truly enjoyed my self doing this! very much.
This lip scrubbie works really well, I got this on a subscriotion box I had gotten a few years back from NoMkaeNoLife. I got many different things on the few boxes I got an this was one of the many tings I got. A lip scrubber. It takestes good even though it is mean to scrub the lips, it tastes really good. It made my lips feel sofer than before as well. I used a lip balm right after I cleansed off the scrubber, to help my lips not get dried and chapped as they often do. I of course needed some drinks while I was doing the self care stuff that I was doing, and the drinks of the day were, coffee, Arizona Energy tea drink, a Ghost Energy drink the Red Berry flavor, and a PowerAide the fruit punch flavor.

As lunch/dinner came to soon, here I am with a vegetarian ham & cheese sandwich with some spinach and chips with it along with some chicken soup, and some chopped spinach. It was good. While eating I watched some movies. The movies I saw where Daddy's Home 1 & 2 and some YouTube videos. I was going to paint my toes and fingers but I got comfortable watching movies and videos I got a bit lazy on that. I may do it tomorrow, perhaps depending on how I feel tomorrow. Well see what kind of day it will be tomorrow!
I hope you guys enjoyed this Self-Care Blong as much as I did. I hope you have a wonderful
day, evening or night wherever you are in the world. Just remember you are wonderful, and special! You are worth it and enough! Just the way you are, don't lose your self, stay true to who you truly are.
With Love,
Venuz <3