Wednesday, August 11, 2021

I would like your opinion…

    Ok, so I got interviewed and about two days later I got a call back that I was hired at a different place, that of course pay is better than what I am getting paid right now. I am lucky enough I got a call back from the new place (casino) but I do not know how to go about giving my two weeks at my current job. What can I say to them? What would be the best way to give the two week notice? What would you say in this situation. I like my current job but not for a long term. I do not see my self doing what I do for a long time at all. Do not give me wrong, it’s a fast paced job some good coworkers and all, but my mental health and health in general was not do so good. Management could do better than what they are, by no means at all am I an amazing person or employee at all, but I believe that if they had trained me better or even trained me at all, I would not had been looking for another job at all in the first place. I’m just assuming anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable or even welcomed or appreciated at work wouldn’t last too long at all.

   I just want to be a nice person and and give my two weeks notice because the just in case if I ever need a job back. I just do not know how to go about it though. What would you say to your employer. I’m not going to miss working at the food court at all whatsoever, it was a good learning experience of what I DO NOT want for my life at all. If anything it thought me that I cando better and to finish my education for a better life for my self and a better job than what I’m doing with my life right now. I regret not taking advantage of all the opportunities I had when I was younger. 

   I would love to talk more with you all, i have to get ready for work right now. I’ll talk to you all next time. You all be safe out there.

                           ☮️ & ❤️   Venuz 


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