Saturday, November 25, 2023

Hello Again!!

   Hello everyone all over again after a long while since I last spoken to you all. It has been hecktick since then sith me. I don’t quite remember if I ever mentioned to you guys I was quitting my job at the casino I was working at for a new job that’s a lot closer to where I live and it’s during ‘normal business hours’ meaning I don’t work the night shift anymore. Which I am very happy I don’t have to work the night shift anymore, and I am quite liking it very much so!! Not that I didn’t like my job at the casinoI just did not like working the night shift at all anymore. Other than that it has been a okay time working the day shift with pleasant people and having to deal with pleasant is okay as well. I don’t hate peoples I just do t like dealing with them but this new job has made a difference for the past few months and working during the day has made a big difference as well, which I am okay with. 
   Anyway, other than than I have been doing well nothing so big has happened other than starting the new job. I am taking a certificate class next month for Mental Health First Aid, which I am very happy I am able to do so. Other than that I have been a bit more focused on my mental health and overall health as well as on my fur-baby child. Taking one day at a time, though yes at times or days every feels like too much. It feels overwhelming and I feel very anxious but I know it is part of healing mentally and emotionally. 

I hope you guys are doing well out there and stay safe. We’ll talk soon..

            Venuz 🥰

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