Wednesday, March 6, 2024

I Think I Love You…..(an open letter)

     I remember last year around this time, the very first meeting you and I had. It was just me coming in and starting my therapy session with you. At the time it felt like I was in hell unsure how my mind was not in the right place. You have helped me through so much. As well as how to better deal with my mental health. But I didn’t know how close you and I would become, you listening to whatever problem I my be having and helping me through it. Getting to know each other on a deeper level. 
     The more I started attending the meetings the more I started to like you, other than therapist & client relationship. It might be wrong yes I understand that and I would not want your life or job to be in jeopardy because of me, or this situation were getting in to. I don’t know how to explain how much affection I have for you how much I like you as a person, for you. It may be infatuation perhaps, but every time I see you, and I’m close to you my heart beats faster. It makes me feel exited when it’s time to come and see you. Even if the meeting does not last for too long, I still am happy I get to spend time with you. It makes me happy and I feel like I smile longer and louder than ever, more so when I’m around you. Whether I’ve had a rough day, week or month, you make me feel like everything is going to be okay. It’s stupid how constantly I think of you, and me not knowing if you even feel the same way about me how I feel about you. 
     May sound ridiculous, but at times I wish you would just appear outside my door just for the heck of it, and because you were thinking of me all day and has the urge to see me. Yeah, I know you are busy with work and don’t have much time for anything else. You end up exhausted at the end of the day, you just want to get home and just go to bed just to do it all over again the next day. I probably don’t even cross your mind, not even for a minute, even if I did it probably not as frequent, or as much. I just wish you knew how often you cross my mind more so on a busy day. At times I wonder if you’re doing okay or even how your day is going. It bothers me that I feel all this ‘love’ if you would like to call it that for you, but I don’t even if you even feel the same way about me. I honestly do not know how to even express it how I truly feel about you. At times I dream of the day if any that you’ll be by my side, without a care on what anyone thinks. The day if any that you’ll be mine. 

                 With Love,

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