Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hello Again Friends…

   I have been giving it so much thought lately about moving to perhaps somewhere else away from Las Vegas (Sin City). I feel it on my soul and bones that it may just be what I need to do for my own good. The craziness around, how rude and mean people are, has been lately what has been making me feel unwell, mentally, physically and emotionally. People now do not seen to know basic manners anymore, at least here in Las Vegas. 
    Lately I have not been feeling happy or remotely happy anymore, my energy levels feel drained the moment I wake in up to when I go to bed just to do it all over again the next day. Nothing really brings me joy in this town, the only way I feel most myself is when I am home with my dog. I have had been thinking as I mentioned before to move else where away from this town, and away from the people. As it all makes me feel drained, unwell, and upset, about what?? I am unsure, this community and this town just seem to want one thing and they can all agree with one thing, and that is money, who can look better than the next person, and who has more than the next. Who has the best body, the best big boobs and the best big butt, all thanks to plastic surgery and Botox. And for what?? Just to look the same as the next person or worse?? These are few of the reasons why I would like to move away from this town,
    A fairytale life just seems more enticing than the real world now, romanticizing my life seems much much better than becoming just like everyone else. 

                                                    With Love,
                                                                Venuz <3


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