Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Hello Everyone!

     Today! I'm happy I finally get the day off from work and grateful I get to spend the day with Toby my fur baby! the love of my life my bundle of love wrapped in fur! I love that!! Every time I get to spend it with him every single minute, I am happy just even looking at him I am happy. Today and I got to go and drop off some packages at the postal office. It was a great day just too hot outside, but he and I got our exercise done for the day. As soon as he and I got home we drank water like dumb-dumbs as it was way to warm outside, and of course we relaxed for a little bit before he helped me with laundry, and some small cleaning. As well as getting some training done for the latest update for my insulin pump that I needed to get done. 

    My days when I'm not at work, are spending the days with Toby walking about town, he and I recently started going to the park once or twice a week, on my off days from work. I enjoy it just as much as he does at the park or when I get to spend it with him. Doing something with my dog is always the way to go when I get the chance to. I always tell people if I had the chance to work from home and spend my days with Toby, I would take it in a heartbeat, and spend my days with him. I miss him every time I'm at work I miss him dearly. I love that dog like stupid, he's my love in four legs wrapped in. I swear some days he understands me more than anyone could. I love that dog. There isn't anything I would not do for him. 

    Toby and I will update you guys on what kind of adventures he and I get in to next week. Should be exiting and wonderful. We'll make sure we take pictures of what we did and what kind of troubles we got in to if ever did we next week.

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